Great photographs are becoming even more essential when marketing your house or business premises whether it be for sale or rent. It’s often said that a picture speaks a thousand words and a great photograph will certainly get people through your door but a bad poorly lit and wonky photograph will most likely do the exact opposite.
Julie has photographed many properties for high-end estate agents and individuals in and around Worcestershire.
All photographs are digitally processed, with blue skies added where appropriate.
We also provide a full digital retouching and airbrushing service. (additional charge)
• PER HOUR: £125
Post Processing: General post-processing will be included in the prices quoted and includes exposure compensation, colour correction etc.
Please note: This excludes Photoshop work • post-processing manipulation, which will be charged on a ‘per image basis’.
Travel: Mileage costs may apply for shoots further than a 20 -mile radius from Bromsgrove. Hotels, flights, parking and expenses are charged at cost.
For an accurate quote or see our property packages, please e-mail as much information to us as possible and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.